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e. info@maximumperformance.co.uk
t. 01582 463460
  • Maximum Performance

    Public service

Public service – face-to-face workshops

In an ideal world all our sessions would be delivered as full-day face-to-face workshops, allowing plenty of time for understanding new models, practising skills and techniques, benefiting from peer feedback, building relationships with colleagues, having time to raise specific issues with the expert trainer.

Full-day sessions

Full-day sessions

Honest conversations

This unique programme will make it easier for you by giving you the opportunity to develop your skills and confidence to hold an honest conversation.

More here

Influencing skills –
positive and ethical

This session will set you on the road to discover what you need to be able to think and do, that will help you take people with you.

More here

Management in a day!

This is the ideal workshop for anyone who is new to managing, is ‘acting up’ or is an ‘accidental manager’ who hasn’t had any formal management training.

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Mentoring skills

This one-day workshop will give you an understanding of the skills and behaviours needed for successful mentoring.

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Motivation and

This one-day workshop will help managers explore what they need to do to create a motivating environment at work.

More here


This programme can be timed to be delivered to fit with your annual performance management cycle. It can be tailored accordingly.

More here

The Team Development Day

A team identity day can be invaluable, helping the team establish a sense of direction, of purpose, of identity.

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Half-day sessions

Half-day sessions

Chairing skills –
a ‘master class’

Effective chairing is important because it can provide clear leadership and direction and ensure that debates are focused.

More here

Emotional intelligence

Rational, problem-solving intelligence is not enough! You need EQ – the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, and behave accordingly.

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Honest conversations

This unique programme will make it easier for you by giving you the opportunity to develop your skills and confidence to hold an honest conversation.

More here

Influencing skills –
positive and ethical

This session will set you on the road to discover what you need to be able to think and do, that will help you take people with you. 

More here

Managing and delivering excellence in public service

How to use performance management skills to achieve excellence in public service delivery, in line with your organisation’s ethos and approach.

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Motivation and

This workshop packs in a host of important up-to-date thinking and aims to help managers spot the signs of motivation (or lack of it).

More here


This workshop deals with the practical aspects of managing performance at work for people managers. 

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Political environment

This workshop will help you navigate your Council’s decision-making processes more effectively and get to grips with who is responsible for what.

Read more

Remote and
hybrid management

This virtual workshop takes a fresh approach to building your confidence in managing remote and hybrid workers.

More here

Resilience and

This workshop aims to help anybody who would like to strengthen their resilience and some ways of managing wellbeing.

More here

The agile manager –
managing in a remote and flexible working environment

A half-day workshop to help you embed and manage effective flexible and remote working, using an agile style.

More here

Time – making
the most of it

This workshop takes a fresh approach to how we use our time and challenges the belief that we don’t always have enough time.

More here
Bite-sized classroom sessions

Bite-sized classroom sessions are also available, usually based on the outlines for our uniquely flexible webinars – the ‘flexinars’.

Other topics

Can’t see what you want? We’ve delivered sessions on numerous other topics for public service clients, eg:

  • Accuracy skills
  • Beating stress
  • Building successful working relationships
  • Change management
  • Coaching skills for line managers
  • Commercial awareness in the public sector
  • Conflict management
  • Customer service
  • Disciplinary, capability and grievance issues
  • Diversity, discrimination and dignity at work
  • Handling sensitive HR issues
  • Investigating sexual harassment allegations
  • Managing absence and health issues effectively
  • Managing people within the law
  • Mediation mindsets and skills
  • Minute-taking
  • Performance management conversations – for managers
  • Performance management conversations – for staff
  • Performance reviews and appraisals
  • Presentation skills
  • Recruitment and selection interviewing
  • Reorganisations, redundancies and TUPE
  • Report writing
  • Workplace investigations
  • Writing policies and procedures


Follow the links above to our other sites for full details. Or we can discuss a bespoke session, specifically for your organisation.


All the sessions can be tailored to your precise requirements, of course, so please compare the different session outlines for any given topic and have a word with us to discuss exactly what you want your session to cover.

The learning experience

These sessions have been designed, and are usually delivered, by Amanda Dudman, leader of our public service practice. She brings the knowledge, understanding and expertise on the subject matter to the session whilst learners bring their experience of the role and their personal situation. Amanda bridges the gap to enable participants to apply learning of new tools, ideas or skills to their role or situation. This places responsibility for learning and application on the job holder and completing a personal action plan helps them to decide how they will put their new-found learning and ideas into practice.

The context of working in public service is recognised and reflected in all sessions.

Action planning is standard in all sessions and completed at the end. Participants are encouraged to share their plan with their Line Manager and/or colleagues back at work. We include sign-posting to in-house learning opportunities, resources and further support, including ideas for self-directed learning as part of this activity.

Short, focused, relevant materials and activity sheets are provided for each session. They’re used during the session and afterwards they act as a reference point and resource to support the topic. We can tailor them to include your in-house learning information, such as links to e-learning on the subject or your preferred tools.

Group sizes

These programmes are highly participative, designed for a maximum group size of 12. Ideally, half-day sessions would always be for groups of 8-10, but 12’s fine if you have to.


See some of the comments from participants in Amanda’s sessions for public service organisations:

  • ‘Brilliant all round!’
  • ‘I liked that the trainer engaged with the activities that needed her input and then stepped back and allowed us to get on with things.’
  • ‘Very alive!’
  • ‘Very interactive.’
  • ‘Inspirational
  • ‘The trainer was great, really understanding.’
  • ‘Amanda was really helpful and explained everything well.’
  • ‘Excellent I learned a lot about myself.’
  • ‘Just great!’
  • ‘Great facilitator!’
  • ‘This is the second bite-sized course I have done with Amanda – great, engaging course leader.’
  • ‘I loved it.’
  • ‘An excellent course.’
  • ‘I would recommend this to everyone.’
  • ‘Great course and trainer. Amanda helped to make me feel at ease.’
  • ‘Great trainer.’
  • ‘Brilliant!’
  • ‘Excellent course – thank you! I have learnt so much from this.’
  • ‘Fantastic.’
  • ‘Day flew by.’
  • ‘Excellent day. Best training delivered to me so far.’
  • ‘The day has flown by. A very enjoyable course which I think everyone should go on.’
  • ‘Very informal trainer. Knows what she is taking about, energetic and passionate!!!’
  • ‘Extremely good.’
  • ‘Very knowledgeable and very clear messages. Showed experience in the topic.’
  • ‘The trainer was awesome.’
  • ‘[Amanda] was bubbly, very friendly. Knew her stuff. Very inspiring.’
  • ‘Excellent. Font of fantastic knowledge.’
  • ‘Fab!!!’

Half-day sessions

Check the list of personal effectiveness ‘modules’ on a range of topics relevant to all organisations, including, eg, ‘Assertiveness’, ‘Change management’, ‘Dealing with change’, ‘Managing across generations’, ‘Meetings’, etc.

For more on coaching and mentoring, check the range of programmes shown here.

And for customer service topics, specifically for public service and VCSEs, see our other website, here.

Give us a call

Any questions? Just give us a call today on 01582 463460 and we can design a programme from scratch, just for you.

Training Areas...

Leadership & management development

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Management & personal effectiveness

In voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat.

Customer Service Training

Minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo.

Boardroom effectiveness

cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Maximum Coaching

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque.

Specialist Subjects

quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

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