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  • Maximum performance

    360° reviews

    Performance solutions

360° reviews

360° reviews can be used for a variety of purposes, of course, but we tend to use them mainly in conjunction with a structured development programme. They’re a great way of identifying development priorities and setting a baseline against which to evaluate return on investment.
All of our reviews are cost-effective, easy to use, research-based, off-the-shelf (or customised) and thoroughly validated.

Specifically designed for use with board members and senior leaders, ExecutiveView360 assesses 22 critical competencies required for effective senior leadership in today’s organisations. The competencies are in four areas, based on job profiling of executive positions for talent management systems:

  • Performance leadership
  • Change leadership
  • Interpersonal leadership
  • Personal leadership


ExecutiveView360 provides a comprehensive summary feedback report comparing senior executive self-perceptions to those of Board Members, managers, direct reports, peers and team members.

ExecutiveView360 is a comprehensive tool for rigorous, in-depth report of strengths and developmental needs for senior executives and leaders in all industries. It is aimed at senior executives who would prefer a more detailed analysis and comprehensive development tool. With explicit information and appropriate feedback senior level executives can become extraordinary leaders within their organisations.

View sample report here.


Specifically designed for use with middle to senior managers, LeaderView360 assesses 35 critical leadership behaviours in 7 core competencies required for effective leadership in today’s organisations:

  • Communicating
  • Controlling
  • Leading
  • Managing relationships
  • Planning
  • Problem-solving
  • Self-management


LeaderView360 provides a powerful, graphical report which is easy to analyse and feed back. It includes a practical Individual Effectiveness Plan with active coaching notes. The top and bottom five behaviours are detailed for each staff group and developmental recommendations are suggested. Comparison notes are also available for before-and-after scenarios to show performance changes over time.

LeaderView360 provides a concise and brief assessment focusing exclusively on critical leadership behaviours required for competitive performance. LeaderView360 is ideal for leadership development training programmes and to support the developmental planning of corporate performance evaluation systems.

View sample report here.


A comprehensive tool for rigorous in-depth reporting of strengths and developmental needs, ManagerView360 is aimed primarily at middle managers but is also appropriate for (a) anyone with line management responsibilities (eg, supervisors) and (b) senior managers who want to review a wider range of competencies than is covered by LeaderView360.

Based on extensive job analyses of managerial positions in diverse industries, ManagerView360 assesses 100 different behaviours in 20 critical managerial competencies required for effective leadership and managerial effectiveness in 4 broad areas:

  • Leadership/performance management
  • Interpersonal
  • Communication
  • Problem-solving


ManagerView360 is a tool for rigorous, in-depth reporting of strengths and developmental needs and provides a comprehensive summary feedback report.

ManagerView360 is ideal for use in management coaching, supervisory training, management development programmes, and to support the developmental section of corporate performance evaluation systems.

View sample report here.


By comparing the employee’s perception with those of their supervisor, peers and team members, PerformanceView360 provides an objective summary of non-supervisory or non-management staffs’ strengths and areas for development in 14 critical competencies required for competitive performance in 3 areas:

  • Project / task management
  • Interpersonal / team
  • Communication


PerformanceView360 is designed for non-supervisory and non-management personnel and can be used for all professional, technical, and administrative employees working either as independent contributors or as part of a team within your organisation.

PerformanceView360 is ideal for use in coaching, skills-based training programmes, succession/talent management programmes, career development and to support the developmental section of corporate performance evaluation systems.

View sample report here.


Designed for employees at all levels, this tool is based on the latest conceptual models of Emotional Intelligence and provides the insight required to enhance relationship management skills by giving feedback on interpersonal, social, and communication competencies.

EIView360 assesses 74 different behaviours in 17 critical managerial competencies required for effective leadership and managerial effectiveness in 3 broad areas:

  • Communication
  • Relationship management
  • Self-management


The comprehensive feedback report is designed to enhance both self-awareness and relationship management skills. It helps individuals to recognise, understand and manage their interpersonal behaviour and emotions effectively. Emotional IntelligenceView360 is suitable for coaching, leadership and professional development programmes.

EIView360 was developed by Dr Kenneth M Nowack, a US-licensed psychologist and researcher in the area of 360° feedback and emotional intelligence. Dr Nowack is a member of Dr Daniel Goleman’s Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organisations (Dan Goleman being the pioneering author of Emotional Intelligence, which was on the New York Times bestseller list for 18 months).

View sample report here.


For clients looking for a complete customised approach, CustomView360 takes any existing competencies and questions and converts them into a web-based questionnaire, administration system and feedback reporting system all branded for the client. The reports can include coaching guides and development plans.

CustomView360 can handle single or dual rating scales with feedback possible from any number of client-defined rater types. E-mail instructions and website text are completely customizable. Choose from a range of standard on-line questionnaire and report options or we can work with you to create a report format to match your requirements or existing design guidelines, incorporating your logo and corporate colours.

The secure web system is fully automated, taking away many of the manual interventions associated with running a 360º feedback project. Data is collected on-line, e-mails are sent to each participant and then to each respondent upon nomination. Reminder e-mails are also sent ahead of the deadline, with reports available in PDF format once the deadline has passed. Administrators have access to a real-time tracking system to monitor completion status.

We can advise you on questionnaire design, administrative procedures and potential pitfalls for all stages of your project. All our services are carried out with strict security, and participation is completely private and confidential.

View sample report here.

How much does 360° feedback cost?

Ease of use is one of the guiding principles behind our 360° feedback tools and we have followed this through with our transparent pricing structure.

Support service
Customising the questionnaire and report entails a one-off cost of £1,200 for the standard reports (LeaderView, ManagerView, PerformanceView and EmotionalIntelligenceView). For the CustomView option we would need to discuss your particular requirements first before confirming the set-up price.

Guidance and administration / project management / follow-up services
Additional support can be provided on a bespoke basis and is charged at £1,250 per day for lead consultant support or £250 per day for bureau support. Call us to discuss your requirements and we can tell you what level of cost to expect.

Pay per use
You then pay for the number of feedback reports you need each year, on a sliding scale:

  • 1 – 100 reports: £99 each
  • 101 – 200: £95 each
  • 201 – 500: £89 each
  • 501 – 1000: £85 each
  • 1001 – 2000: £79 each
  • 2001 or more: £75 each


(Discounts available if bought in conjunction with a Maximum Performance development programme).

All reports are provided as pdfs. If required, we can colour print and bind them for you too, at an additional cost of £10 per report.

ViewSuite background

All our assessment tools come from the ViewSuite range, developed and published by ConsultingTools.

The ViewSuite tools were developed by ConsultingTools USA (now Envisia Learning, based in California), headed up by Dr Kenneth M Nowack, a US-licensed psychologist and Co-Founder, President and Chief Research Officer of Envisia. Ken Nowack has over twenty years of experience in the development and validation of assessment instruments, organisational surveys, questionnaires, simulations, and tests. He has conducted research and published extensively in the areas of 360° feedback, stress management, executive coaching, assessment centres, training needs assessment, and evaluation. He is the author of numerous assessment instruments and interactive software programs and is a member of Daniel Goleman’s Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organisations.

Why do we favour these particular tools? Maximum Performance were asked by one of their biggest clients to recommend a 360° feedback tool. After much research they identified the ViewSuite range as undoubtedly the best on the market.

ConsultingTools UK was launched in 2001 to provide products and services for consultants and business professionals working with individuals, teams and organisations. ConsultingTools publish a range of tools in the UK which are sold through licensed distributors around the world. The company is ISO9001-accredited and a member of the British Test Publishers Association.

To discuss which 360º review tool and which approach would best suit your particular situation, please just give us a call on 01582 463460 and we’ll be happy to talk you through the options.

How we can help you with 360° feedback

The following levels of support are purely indicative – you are free to choose for yourself just how much support and involvement you want.


Support service

One of the great attractions of our 360º tools is their ease of use, so if you just want to get on with the job yourself the minimum level of input you will require from us is:

  • Setting up and customising the questionnaire to meet your specific requirements
  • Setting up and customising the report format
  • Providing user notes and guidelines


Guidance and administration service

If you want some extra help in managing the process internally, we can provide the core support service but help by:

  • Advising on how to conduct participant and rater briefings
  • Chasing and monitoring progress
  • Producing individual reports for each participant
  • Advising on how to deliver the feedback to the participants


Project management service

Very often, a 360º project is part of a bigger programme of HR activity, which is why many clients prefer to make full use of our experience and resources by having us manage the project for them while they use their internal resources to focus on other core business activities. This gives the project sponsor all the benefits of practical advice and expertise while the participants and raters are reassured by using an independent, private, confidential and anonymous service.


Support at this level can involve:

  • Creating a competency framework to measure specific behaviours (if one doesn’t already exist and you wish to customise the tool)
  • Setting up and customising the questionnaire to meet your specific requirements
  • Setting up and customising the report format
  • Providing user notes and guidelines
  • Conducting participant and rater briefings
  • Chasing and monitoring progress
  • Producing individual reports for each participant
  • Training on giving and receiving feedback
  • Delivering one-to-one feedback to the participants
  • Producing composite reports for teams and giving team feedback


Follow-up services

At Maximum Performance, we never lose sight of the bigger picture. A 360º feedback project isn’t an end in itself and with all the resources of our parent companies at our disposal (Maximum Coaching, Maximum HR, The In-House Training Company) we would be delighted to help you in whatever further interventions might be appropriate, including:

  • 360º feedback project review
  • Review of personalised development and action plans
  • Follow-up team or one-to-one coaching
  • Larger-scale training and change management support programmes


Training Areas...

Leadership & management development

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt

Management & personal effectiveness

In voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat.

Customer Service Training

Minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo.

Boardroom effectiveness

cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Maximum Coaching

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque.

Specialist Subjects

quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

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