- maximumperformance.co.uk
- Coach: Clare Joghee

Clare is an ICF PCC executive leadership coach.
Individuals, teams and organisations create sustainable change because of Clare’s insight, outcome focus and empathetic and calm support. She works both with individuals and leadership teams as their coach.
Clare offers 13 years of leadership coaching, with a background that spans over twenty years in the public and voluntary sectors. She has worked and lived in the UK and Australia, working in central Government, specifically within The Home Office, Cabinet Office, National Crime Agency, and UK Border Agency. In her early career she worked within Charities and Housing Associations. She has run and owned an Organisation Development Consultancy for the last five years where she has run coaching programmes for organisations at middle manager to CEO level.
Clare is asked by Schools, NHS, Local Authorities, Government Departments and Businesses to provide:
- Coaching for leadership teams: 1:1 or in teams
- Managing change and influencing culture
- Cognitive Behavioural Coaching to strengthen confidence, manage stress and improve working relationships.
- Role transitions
Clare is based in South Cambridge.
Qualifications, training and professional memberships
- Trained by the Centre for Stress Management in Cognitive Behavioural Approaches to Counselling and Therapy, Clare completed coaching training with the Institute for Leadership and Management, Management Futures and Maximum Performance.
- ICF PCC accredited coach
- ILM Diploma in Executive Coaching and Mentoring (Level 7)
- MSC in Human Resource Management and Development
- Advanced Certificate in CBT Approaches to Counselling and Therapy
- Maximum Performance Coaching Programme
- Management Futures Coaching Programme
- Certificates in Action Learning and Gestalt Approach to Group Facilitation
- Practitioner of the psychometric tool EBW (Emotions and Behaviours at Work)
Ethics and codes of conduct
As a member of the AC (Association for Coaching) and ICF (International Coach Federation), Clare has obligations to operate within an ethical framework. Both professional bodies have a code of ethics which give clear expectations of coach behaviours. For clients who are coached by Clare, they can expect confidential sessions, a coach who undertakes supervision and adheres to high standards of self-awareness, a respect of the coaches’ needs including a non-judgemental space to reflect in and regular discussion about how we best work together with a clear process.