- maximumperformance.co.uk
- Coach: Marie Gardner

Marie is a highly experienced coach and training expert with over 25 years’ experience in sales and marketing leadership, capability building and coaching, largely within the pharmaceutical sector.
People development has been Marie’s No 1 passion throughout her career where she has worked horizontally and vertically throughout organisations helping individuals, teams and organisations optimise their potential and over-achieve their key results.
As an agile coach and facilitator, Marie is adept at coaching individuals, teams and groups from apprentice to C-suite.
‘Be the change that you wish to see’, said Ghandi, and this inspires Marie’s belief that personal potential is like a little box of treasure that we all have within us – while life and the day job can get in the way, our treasure chest is sitting there waiting to be unlocked. When considering personal development coaching, we may have a sense of what is on the top layer of our box of treasure but Marie’s role as coach is to help us root around more and explore with curiosity to uncover and unleash our hidden potential.
Marie’s approach in helping her clients is to work with them over a series of coaching sessions (usually a minimum of six), providing a place of collaboration and trust, using a variety of coaching techniques and tools to explore and expand their self-awareness, areas of strength, areas for development, values and limiting beliefs. Providing positive challenge, Marie helps her clients to maintain the energy, motivation and momentum to take action and stay on track to achieve their goals.
Expertise and outcomes
Marie works with experienced managers at all levels (including aspiring or new managers), who are actively looking to enhance their performance, impact or confidence at work. Her particular areas of expertise include leadership, strategic thinking/planning, job/career change, team effectiveness, personal growth, self-confidence, resilience and work-life balance.
Measurement of change is a key step in all of Marie’s coaching programmes. She works with clients from the outset on clarifying goals and contracting on how progress, achievement and the impact of coaching will be measured.
- Psychometric tools practitioner – Hogan Assessments, Myers Briggs, DISC, 360 leadership, EIQ-2, Resilience, Psychological Safety, Team & Culture fit.