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t. 01582 463460

Agile management

A unique ‘flexinar’ programme

This virtual classroom aims to help you embed and manage effective flexible and remote working in the different forms it now takes as we move into the post-Covid world of work.

Learning Objectives
Flexinar information

Design your own programme

A uniquely flexible virtual classroom session. Design your own programme: focus on ‘how to’ topics, on tools and models, or best practice techniques and new ideas. Or pick ’n’ mix as you prefer.

‘Flexinar’ menu

Choose one numbered topic for a 45-minute session, two for 60 minutes, three for 90 minutes. If you want more topics, give us a call and we’ll discuss the best way of structuring the session for you.



The ‘Introduction’ and ‘Action planning’ sessions come as standard, to help participants identify what they need to do differently to improve their personal effectiveness.

‘Flexinar’ menu

Choose any three of the ten numbered items to create your ideal programme.


‘How to’ topics

Tools and models

Best practice techniques, tips and new ideas

Action planning

Multiple delivery formats and options

Face-to-face delivery


Virtual delivery


Tailored solutions