- maximumperformance.co.uk
- Coach: Claudia van Verseveld

Location: Madrid
Nationality: Dutch
Languages: Spanish / English / Dutch
Claudia has over 20 years’ experience in addressing communication, culture and leadership improvements with clients in banking, pharma, utilities and FMCG.
She is an ICF PCC certified coach, and combines her coaching activity with the design and facilitation of incompany training in (self-)leadership skills at multinationals and SMEs. She is an associate professor at EAE Business School, and a speaker on self-leadership related subjects.
As a coach, Claudia loves to help business leaders and business owners optimise their potential and get the best out of their teams, clients and other relevant stakeholders. Creativity, possibility and trust are the basic pillars she helps her clients tap into, in order to set inspired goals and reach higher levels of productivity and fulfilment. At the same time she assists them in implementing sustainable change in their environment. Trained in ontological coaching, she likes to incorporate complementary techniques such as mindfulness, focusing, visualisation and creative experimentation.
Specialisms include:
- Executive and leadership coaching
- Transition coaching
- Career coaching
- Corporate and team culture
- Employer branding and personal branding
Qualifications include:
- Professional Certified Coach (PCC, Escuela Europea de Coaching, Spain)
- Master Executive in e-commerce, database marketing and CRM (ESIC, Spain)
- BSc in Communication Science (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
- BSc in Marketing (Nima-A, Dutch Marketing Institute)