Maximum Performance
and resilience
- maximumperformance.co.uk
- Specialisms
- Wellbeing and resilience
- Facilitating mental wellbeing
Facilitating mental wellbeing
45- or 90-minute webinar
This session is intended specifically for managers and team leaders. It is designed to help them develop the skills and confidence they need to facilitate the mental well-being of their colleagues, whether during a global pandemic or something more prosaic but still stressful, such as a corporate re-structuring programme.
Format and session overview
The focus is on stress as this is the most prevalent mental health issue which often underlies and/or exacerbates mental illness such as depression or anxiety disorders. Stress is the key risk factor identified by the HSE, so spotting the signs early on can be crucial and colleagues, managers and team leaders are often best placed to do so.
This session can be run as a 45-minute webinar, a briefing with Q&A. Larger numbers can be accommodated if required.
Or run it as a virtual classroom for 90 minutes and give a smaller group a real opportunity to engage with the subject matter expert.
Session overview
The programme is flexible but generally covers the following key points:
- 3 key indicators that someone is experiencing mental ill-health
- The 2 psychological dynamics that underlie stress and how you can help alleviate them
- Primary, secondary and tertiary strategies for management of work-related stress
- Communication skills for interactions with potentially vulnerable individuals
- How to approach an individual who may be vulnerable to, or who may be experiencing, mental health difficulties
- How to respond to an individual who may disclose their vulnerability, or their experience of mental health difficulties
- A 5-step communication plan for challenging interactions
- Statutory requirements for managing employee stress
- Health and Safety Executive guidelines for risk assessments for stress