Line managers have a responsibility to manage their staff effectively and in line with best practice, internal policies and procedures and, above all, employment law. As legislation becomes ever more complex in the area of people management, it is essential that managers have an understanding of employment law and the practical implications for their role.
This course provides managers with an overview of key HR areas and focuses on their role in managing staff fairly, proactively and effectively in line with organisational requirements. Further in-depth training is available in each of the subject areas. The course content is indicative of what can be covered but will be tailored to reflect key areas for the organisation. Participants will be asked to familiarise themselves with relevant internal policies before the training and these will be referred to and reinforced throughout the day.
- Clarify the HR responsibilities of a line manager within your organisation
- Understand the impact and extent of employment legislation on people management
- Understand your organisation’s policies and procedures in key areas of HR
- Effectively manage recruitment, disciplinary procedures, grievances, absence and harassment and bullying complaints
- Increase their awareness of flexible working and ‘family friendly’ policies
- Build knowledge and confidence in managing other challenging or sensitive situations
Workshop outline
1. Introduction
- Course objectives and benefits from attending this course
- Participants’ experience and confidence in this area
- Personal objectives
2. Setting the scene
- HR responsibilities in your organisation
- Responsibilities of a line manager
- Working effectively with HR and other sources of support
3. The legal framework
- An overview of the UK legal system
- Employment status and employee rights
- The contract of employment – express and implied terms
- Varying contracts of employment
- Employment Tribunals
- Employment law quiz
- The Equality Act 2010, unfair dismissal, etc
- Practical implications
4. Recruitment and selection
- Purpose and importance
- Legal implications
- An overview of your organisation’s process
- Identifying risks and avoiding pitfalls
5. Having the conversation
- Purpose of taking disciplinary action
- Statutory requirements and the ACAS Code of Practice
- Your organisation’s policy – key stages
- Roles and responsibilities
- Legal implications and case law
- Scenarios
6. Grievances
- Understanding what constitutes a grievance
- ACAS Code of Practice
- Your organisation’s procedure – key stages
- Roles and responsibilities
- Legal implications
7. Bullying and harassment
- Understanding what constitutes harassment and bullying
- Your organisation’s policy
- Managing informally and taking formal action
- Legal implications and case law
- Scenarios
8. Managing attendance
- Impact of sickness absence
- Your organisation’s sickness absence policy and procedures
- Roles and responsibilities
- Notification and certification
- Effective strategies to manage short-term and long-term absence
- Legal implications and case law
9. Legal update
- Flexible working and ‘family friendly’ policies – an update on recent changes
- Other legislative changes on the horizon
10. And finally…
- Open forum – remaining challenges and ‘what if’ scenarios
- Action planning – identifying how participants will transfer this learning into the workplace and what else they may need which will help them to do this effectively
- Review and close