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  • HR team identity day

HR team identity day


‘Team identity’ is an umbrella term that describes a team in terms of its vision, purpose, values, objectives and approach; in fact, everything that makes it unique. It brings a shared sense of what is important and what the team wants to achieve together. Building a team identity is an important step in enhancing commitment, trust, synergy and collaboration within the team.

This workshop provides an opportunity for your team to work together as ‘one HR team’ and begin the journey of creating a team identity. It enables participants to reflect on where the team has been, where it is going and how the team is perceived by the business. The workshop highlights existing strengths within the team, builds on and reinforces other initiatives being undertaken and supports the team in identifying practical steps that will help improve team effectiveness, create a team charter and enhance the value HR adds.

Underpinning the event is an analysis of how effectively the team is currently working together. This is typically achieved through the completion of a Team Effectiveness Survey before the event or a SWOT analysis on the day. If the survey is used, participants are asked to complete the survey before the training day and the feedback is collated by us and anonymised before being fed back on the day. It provides insight into ten key elements of teamwork and asks participants to respond to a series of open questions designed to get a view of team strengths and weaknesses as well as identifying what participants value about working within the team, what they find frustrating, and their ideas for improving team effectiveness. The questions can be tailored to individual client requirements.

Key outcomes for the day typically include a draft ‘Team Charter’ in the form of vision and mission statements, work on establishing a common approach and / or values and an action plan designed to build on the success of the team and enhance its effectiveness.

Learning Objectives
Workshop information


For most organisations, it is important that the entire HR team attends and actively participates.


A very participative day, tailored to the needs of the particular group. This usually means a facilitated workshop rather than a formal training session. The format, agenda and approximate timetable for the day are agreed on a bespoke basis with each client organisation.

Workshop outline

1. Introductions / scene setting

2. Understanding team identity

3. Your team

4. Team perception

5. Added value

6. Developing a team identity / team charter

7. Closing the gap

8. Action planning

See what participants have said about this programme
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Virtual delivery


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