A half-day workshop
Practical tools and ideas are shared, to deal with thieves of time from a different perspective. The session ends with a ‘time hack’ that encourages participants to work together to find solutions to time challenges at work.
Pre-work: Complete the ‘Time Thieves’ questionnaire (it only takes seven minutes), score it and bring it with you to the session.
Learning Objectives
- Recognise the barriers to effective use of time and have actions to deal with them
- Explain how their mindset affects how they use time and have better ways to deal with less helpful habits
- Use some new tools and techniques to tackle time thieves
- ‘Time hack’ using some tried-and-tested up-to-date ideas
- Formulate an action plan to take back to work
Workshop information
The expert trainer
Amanda is always the first port of call for public service and VCSE clients. She is an extremely popular trainer, facilitator, coach and consultant with an in-depth understanding of what it means to work in the public and VCSE sectors.
Workshop outline
1. Welcome, aims and introductions
- Thinking about our personal challenges
- Learning objectives
2. Time gallery
3. Better use of time is good for you
- Are you in time or through time?
- Exploring your unconscious relationship with time and how good habits can work for you
4. Time audit
- Call to action – committing to taking some time back
5. Tools and approaches
- ‘Time thieves’ – exploring the results of the pre-workshop questionnaire
- How to deal with the roots of your time thieves
- ‘Time hack’ – peer group task
6. Action planning
- Review
- Personal action planning