A half-day workshop
This workshop will help you navigate your Council’s decision-making processes more effectively and get to grips with who is responsible for what.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the political structure of your Council and the various roles and responsibilities of the political post holders involved
- Understand the political decision-making process and how you fit in
- Be clear about the difference in responsibilities of officers and elected members
- Learn the Member Officer Relationship Protocol and implications for you
- Understand good governance and the role Democratic Services play
Workshop information
The expert trainer
Amanda is always the first port of call for public service and VCSE clients. She is an extremely popular trainer, facilitator, coach and consultant with an in-depth understanding of what it means to work in the public and VCSE sectors.
Workshop outline
1. Welcome, aims and introductions
- Learning objectives
- Setting the context
2. Quiz time!
- What do you know already?
- Plenary with answers
- Filling in the gaps
3. The motivations for being an elected member
- Short activity and discussion
4. The political structure and decision-making in your Council
5. Role and responsibilities
- WIIFM (what’s in it for me?)
- Identifying implications for your communications and job role
6. Communicating with elected members
- The Member Officer Relationship Protocol
- Key advice for managers
- Supporting good governance
7. Accessing resources, information and support
(this session relies on your organisation providing relevant information in advance to make this relevant to your situation)
- There is an option to invite a Democratic Services officer to present in this slot.
8. Action planning
- Review
- Personal action planning