t. +44(0)1582 463 460
e. info@maximumperformance.co.uk
t. 01582 463463
e. info@tihtc.co.uk
  • Maximum Performance

    and resilience

A unique ‘flexinar’ programme

This programme aims to help anybody who would like to strengthen their resilience or would just like to tap into some ways of managing their wellbeing more effectively at home and at work – and especially when working from home. The techniques suggested are up-to-date, evidenced-based approaches that will enable you to optimise your personal resilience rather than spend time wading through endless wellness fads and promotions.

Learning objectives and format

Learning objectives


Each topic is covered in a 45-minute session – so you can choose three to make up a half-day virtual workshop, run two as a 90-minute virtual classroom, spread them out as weekly or monthly lunchtime learning sessions. Or just pick one to start with and see how you go.

We can work with you to create a flexinar package that suits you, adding other topics as appropriate or blending in with your existing activities in this area.

Book three or more sessions and we’ll include the PDF curated learning resource (with your branding) free of charge, to use as a follow-up to the sessions and to share with the rest of your staff.

‘Flexinar’ menu – create your ideal programme

1 Understanding wellness and resilience
  • What wellness means to us
  • Understanding the dimensions of wellness
  • How wellness and resilience are linked
  • Things that damage our wellbeing and resilience
2 Staying physically well
  • The physiological science and impact on mental wellness
  • The neuroscience of nutrition
  • Strategies you already have for staying physically well
3 Feeling connected
  • The importance of feeling valued and belonging – building connections
  • Practising gratitude
  • Understanding purpose
  • Being ‘in the moment’
4 When the going gets tough
  • Identifying when things aren’t right
  • A structure for sharing and talking
  • Getting support – where to look
  • Strategies for staying calm and grounded
5 Emotional wellbeing
  • Moods, emotions and thoughts
  • Tackle your negative thoughts (ABC Model)
  • Emotional self-care
6 Managing your mind
  • Thoughts are not facts
  • ABCDE (challenging internal negative thinking with better responses)
  • The power of positive self-talk
7 Creating healthy habits
  • How to re-wire your brain
  • The power of intentions and planning
  • Strategies for improving wellness
  • 1% improvements
8 Managing stress
  • Identifying workplace stress
  • Stress container
  • RAIN (for feeling overwhelmed)
  • Digital detox
9 Building resilience

Four pillars of personal resilience:

  • Confidence
  • Asking for support
  • Purposefulness
  • Adaptability
10 Supporting others to stay well
  • Emotional First Aid
  • Effective listening skills
  • Sharing your own story and being vulnerable
  • Setting boundaries
11 Mindfulness
  • The power of mindfulness and how it works
  • Strategies for staying mindful
  • A short, guided meditation
12 Creating a wellness action plan
  • Building a wellness recovery action plan
  • Developing a self-care strategy
  • Embedding habits
  • Identifying sources of support
Give us a call

We can also work with you to, for example, help develop wellbeing champions within your organisation, run regular wellbeing ‘drop in’ cafes, or help you build your own curated content to share as a visual guide or to host on your LMS. (See sample curated content here).

Just give us a call today on 01582 463460.

Training Areas...

Leadership & management development

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt

Management & personal effectiveness

In voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat.

Customer Service Training

Minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo.

Boardroom effectiveness

cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Maximum Coaching

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque.

Specialist Subjects

quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

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