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  • Maximum Performance

    Growth mindset

    Development solutions

Developing a growth mindset

The personal, professional and organisational benefits of a growth mindset are well-known.

It fosters learning and personal growth, encourages change and innovation, develops resilience, enhances productivity and performance, raises levels of engagement and satisfaction, supports collaboration, reduces self-limiting beliefs, improves retention rates, and contributes to a positive organisational culture.

But how do you take the first step?

Let Meera Shah show you…

The main event
  • A one-day workshop, in person, for a group of up to 15 people
  • Appropriate at all levels – or can be tailored for a specific audience
  • Can be offered as part of a regular programme of L&D activities
  • Also highly effective as an ad hoc session on a team-by-team basis
  • See programme outline below
Other delivery options
  • Talk (1 hour), unlimited number of participants, online or in person
  • Half-day workshop (3.5 hours), 12-15 participants, in person
  • 2-day workshop (16 hours), 12-15 participants, in person
  • 12-week programme (1.5 hours a week), 12-15 participants, in person or online
  • One-to-one coaching
What’s in it for you?

This unique workshop will help you reap the rewards of a growth mindset:

  • Approach challenges fearlessly.
  • Support your team to align to your organisation’s vision.
  • Learn to embrace (and even look forward to) change.
  • Ensure continuous personal growth.
  • Better understand your own mindset and motivations.
  • Aim higher – set realistic yet more powerful exciting goals.
  • Use goal milestones to help focus on both short and longer term wins
  • Learn how to become more resilient, take charge and create a renewed, stronger sense of self.
  • Lead with pride.
  • Overcome (or manage) anxiety, fear, imposter syndrome and limiting beliefs.
  • Identify and release what is no longer working for you.
  • Creating a new, more success, personal growth identity.


Above all, this programme will help you on your way to achieving your personal and professional goals.


Organisations, leaders, individuals, teams, and professionals looking to embrace change and enhance their efficiency to achieve success.

  • Want to fly higher? This programme is for you.
  • Struggling with imposter syndrome, overwhelm, lack of motivation? This programme is for you.
  • Looking to improve team or business performance? This programme is for you too.
Meera Shah b+w

Meet Meera

Meera Shah is a coach, facilitator, trainer and TEDx speaker (‘How to think big and make your dreams a reality’) with over 15 years of experience in personal, professional and leadership development.

She has worked with individuals and organisations from different sectors around the world, helping them embrace change and achieve success. Her extensive client list includes individual executives and entrepreneurs, and corporate clients such as Weber Shandwick, Goldman Sachs, Harvey Nichols, Deutsche Bank, Aviva, RBS, Metro Bank, Santander, HSBC, Barclays, and Lloyds, as well as a number of NGOs and not-for-profits.

The one-day workshop agenda

1. Understanding a fixed vs growth mindset

2. Missions and mindsets

3. Developing a growth mindset identity, vocabulary and language

4. Getting motivated and embracing change (both internally and externally)

5. Overcoming obstacles

6. Setting clear goals

7. Developing resilience and persistence

8. Creating a daily action plan to achieve goals

9. Setting milestones

10. Energy and mindset management

Give us a call

Inspired? Give us a call now on 01582 463460 to talk through how Meera could help you, your team, or your organisation.

Training Areas...

Leadership & management development

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Management & personal effectiveness

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Customer Service Training

Minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo.

Boardroom effectiveness

cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Maximum Coaching

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque.

Specialist Subjects

quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

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