Maximum Performance
Discover your personality type with one of our profiling tools.
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- Psychometrics
We also suggest you consider using Facet5. This is a model of personality, which allows leaders and managers to understand how people differ in their behaviour, motivation, attitudes and aspirations.
The DiSC profile is a very good tool and increasingly popular. Benefits of using the DISC profile include being able to discover your and others’ behavioural strengths and gaining insight into the value of both your behavioural strengths and those of others.
Pioneer Roger Holdsworth has developed Talent Q, a personality and ability assessment tool using technology which both adapts and tests. Talent Q collects data quickly and efficiently with minimum investment. Reports created can inform a range of decisions.
The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) describes bright-side or normal personality – qualities that show how we relate to those around us when we are performing at our best. Assessing normal personality gives you a valuable insight into how people actually work.
The purpose of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) personality inventory is to make C. G. Jung’s theory of psychological types understandable and beneficial in people’s lives. The theory is that often seemingly random variations in behaviour is in fact rather orderly and consistent.