A one-day programme for public service / VCSE organisations
This event enables teams to develop a clear purpose and meaningful identity. It helps build
the team and enable everyone to understand their roles more clearly, deepening
understanding of each other, leading to agreeing together what kind of team you wish to be.
Learning Objectives
- Gel and build the team, in an enjoyable and energising setting
- Identify your team vision and purpose together
- Increase awareness of each other’s roles, strengths, capabilities and styles
- Explore and identify what kind of team you want to be, how you will develop to be a great team, and how you will overcome any challenges together
- Devise an action plan to take forwards and implement with energy and commitment
Workshop information
The expert trainer
Amanda Dudman is an extremely popular trainer, facilitator, coach / mentor and consultant with an in
depth understanding of what it means to work in the public and VCSE sectors.
Workshop outline
1. Welcome and introduction to the day
- Housekeeping and setting the scene for the day, reminding ourselves of our outcomes
- How we will work together today (ground rules)
- Setting the context
2. Getting energised and breaking the ice
- Activities to help everyone feel part of the day, bring energy and have fun.
3. Our vision and purpose
- Creating our vision and purpose together
- What kind of team do we want to be?
- What are we here to do?
- Where do we want to be?
4. Our values and challenges
- Building on the vision and purpose we have identified
- Discovering and developing our values in alignment with the organisation and our own ways of working
- Identifying both success factors and any challenges to overcome
- This is us
- Check-in – the stages of team development: considering what stage the team is at and how we stretch and challenge ourselves to move forwards
5. Team identity and joining everything up
- Hot seat – presenting personal shields
- Plenary – how was that?!
- Open space activity
- To formulate a team manifesto that reflects us outwardly to others and inwardly to each other
6. Reflecting, looking forwards and turning ideas into action
- Drawing conclusions from the activities – a ‘round robin’ activity to help everyone share their thoughts, feelings and ideas for moving forwards.
- Action planning:
- Personal actions – my ‘Stop, Start and Continue’ commitment
- Team action plan and next steps
- Review of the day