To give you a range of tools and strategies to give you clarity on the type of leader you are and want to be.
This workshop will give you space to define your vision and how you can enable others to buy into it.
This webinar will be led by Cyrus Cooper.
Cost = £199 + VAT
- In preparation for this workshop on Leadership, please can you find the time to take a look at the following TED Talks, giving different perspectives on leadership, and come ready to discuss your thoughts on each approach:
- What it takes to be a great leader - Roselinde Torres
- Lead like the great conductors - Itay Talgam
- Listen, learn ... then lead - Stanley McChrystal
- Think about your preferred approach and if it would work at your organisation.
(14:00 – 16:00)
1. Welcome and session introductions
- Brief sharing of aims and expectations from the session
2. The management v leadership debate (link to pre-work)
- Is there a clear difference, or are we expected to carry out elements of both roles?
3. Transactional v Transformational Leadership
- What they are and when to use them
4. Different management styles – traditional v modern
- Choosing what’s right for you
5. Managing the generations
- Understanding the generation gap!
6. Review and next steps
- Reflections and action planning